- Details
Created: 16 September 2015
- Diapazons no 70 mbar (1psi) līdz 700 bāriem
- Precizitāte Industrial (+/ 0,2% FS BSL), uzlabota (+/ 0,1% FS BSL) un Premium (+/ 0,04% FS BSL)
- Unik 5000 konfigurētos sensorus var iebūvēt vairākās vides, kur darba temperatūra svārstās no 55 ° C līdz +125 ° C
- IP (Nema 4) reitingi tai skaitā pat pastāvīgi pilnīgai iegremdēšanai gan ūdenī un ogļūdeņražos. Augstas kvalitātes nerūsējošā tērauda konstrukcija ar jaunu titāna opciju speciālam pielietojumam.
- Konfigurāciju iespējas: nedrošs, un sprādziendrošs / ugunsdrošs, ieguve un jūras sertifikācija, izmantojot IECEx / ATEX un FM FMC un DNV
- Izcils, uzticams un izmaksu efektīvs sniegumu visbīstamākajām vidēm un drošības sertifikātu izmantošana atbilstošajā reģionā.
- With broad pressure range operation from 70 mbar (1psi) to 700 bar (10,000 psi) UNIK 5000 is referenced to gauge, and absolute with both wet/dry and wet/wet differential options
- UNIK 5000 configured sensors can be built for most environments with operating over temperature ranges from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to 257°F)
- UNIK 5000 has multiple options: voltage, millivolts, and milliamps. Choose the option for your application depending on what matters to you, be it; noise immunity, long cable runs, reduced power consumption, and a fully configurable option to exactly match your existing equipment
UNIK 5600/5700
High specification, DNV marine certified sensor for use in ship-board applications such as: hydraulic and pneumatic systems, oil, gas and water pressures, fuel, fresh water and ballast tank measurements.
- Ranges from 70 mbar to 700 bar (1 to 10,000 psi)
- Milliamp output
- Accuracy +/- 0.2 to 0.04% FS
- Body diameter 25 mm (1in)
- All-welded 316L stainless steel or titanium construction
- Hazardous area approvals
- DIN 43650 or fully submersible electrical connectors
UNIK 5800/5900
Compact and rugged, offering flameproof/explosion-proof and dust-ignition protection by enclosure protection in hazardous areas. Cost effective alternative to pressure gauges and switches in process and oil and gas industry application such as: hydraulic power units, flushing skids, separators and wellhead production management and automation.
- Ranges from 3.5 bar to 700 bar (51 to 10,000 psi)
- Milliamp, millivolt and voltage outputs
- Accuracy +/- 0.2 to 0.04% FS
- 316L Stainless Steel construction
- Hazardous area approvals
- Integrated terminal compartment (5900)
Pirkt UNIK5000 - spiediena sensors
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UNIK5000 - spiediena sensors, cena: --- euro